Homemade (really made at work) rolls and corned beef helped make these delicious. Ganny phoned it in with the store-bought cheese though. If we're not going to make our own cheese I don't even know why we got that damn cow in the back yard.
It turns out that Reuben sliders pair perfectly with gin and tonic (no lime [they give you headaches]).

In addition to the dogs gleefully devouring their dry kibble, the quick prep of the sliders allowed time to take them for a long
walk stroll in the neighborhood. This of course was paired with a triple gin and tonic (no lime!) for me and a triple vodka soda for the lady.
Dipso Tip Of The Week:
When walking around in public with booze, don't be an amateur. Red Solo cups are a dead giveaway. Use a 20 oz. foam coffee cup. And spend a couple bucks more to get a pretty design on 'em so you don't look like a hobo. Ganny and I have a case of these in the garage.
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